Wednesday / mercredi / Mittwoch / Thứ tư


Food & Music:


Spaghetti-Salad-Buffet with Live-Music


20221102 spaghetti buffet mit erick1


Wow! A great evening with surprise artists:

Baron joins Erick...

... and for the first time, Steve on the scene of the Kilo Bar, and a special appearance of Simba...



Sunday / dimanche / Sonntag / Chủ nhật



Jam Session 


Yes! The last sunday of the month, it's ...

20220925 jam session ohne datum


Oh my! What a crazy Jam! Our special guests from Australia kept the Kilo Bar rocking. ... and after his world tour, Attila is completely unchained!

Just a small excerpt of a marvellous evening with Dingo, Attila, Alex, Erick and Billy K:



Wednesday / mercredi / Mittwoch / Thứ tư


Food & Music:


Spaghetti-Salad-Buffet with Live-Music


20221019 spaghetti buffet mit erick copyright


Spaghetti & Salad Buffet: 160'000 VND
Live Music: We'll pass the hat. Thank you for supporting local musicians!




Wednesday / mercredi / Mittwoch / Thứ tư


Food & Music:


Spaghetti-Salad-Buffet with Live-Music


20221005 spaghetti buffet mit erick copyright


Spaghetti & Salad Buffet: 160'000 VND
Live Music: We'll pass the hat. Thank you for supporting local musicians!




Wednesday / mercredi / Mittwoch / Thứ tư


Food & Music:


Spaghetti-Salad-Buffet with Live-Music



20220928 spaghetti buffet mit erick


Ericks gig was cancelled and postponed on next week.



Sunday / dimanche / Sonntag / Chủ nhật



Jam Session 


Yes! The last sunday of the month, it's ...

20220925 jam session ohne datum






Wednesday / mercredi / Mittwoch / Thứ tư


Peace and Food:


20220921 international day of peace1

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Saturday / samedi / Samstag / Thứ bảy





Come back soon, Attila!


Attila is going on a musical world tour for about 30 days. 

We had a great farewell party with him and already miss him!


20220917 attila farewell party9






Wednesday / mercredi / Mittwoch / Thứ tư


Food & Music:


Spaghetti-Salad-Buffet with Live-Music


20220914 Spaghetti Buffet mit Erick3





Wednesday / mercredi / Mittwoch / Thứ tư


Food & Music:


Spaghetti-Salad-Buffet with Live-Music


20220831 spaghetti buffet mit erick


A video from Ericks performance...

... and a video from the performance of our guest musician Andrew:




Sunday / dimanche / Sonntag / Chủ nhật





Jam Session 


20220828 JamSession


Wow! What a Jam Session!!! International indeed! Musicians from Canada, Vietnam, Russia, USA, Australia, Hungary and Switzerland ;-) 

(Sorry, the sound on the videos isn't really great and the live stream isn't complete because of the age of the battery of my cell phone. Grrrr!)





Thank you so much, friends! 




Saturday / samedi / Samstag / Thứ bảy





The Dewlaps and Friends with a very special guest!^^


After a wonderful day, at the beginning of the evening...



So, unfortunately, the helicopter of our guest star couldn't land and just the Dewlaps and Attila played.


202208 dewlaps with chris1


The videos from the Facebook live stream:




Sunday / dimanche / Sonntag / Chủ nhật


Live Music:


20220626 jam session6


Wow! A really hot Jam Session with great musicians! Thanks to everybody, it was such a wonderful evening! 
... and: Happy Birthday to Trân! :-D
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Friday / vendredi / Freitag / Thứ sáu




Net's Dinner-Concert (4th edition)


 From 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.


20220603 4 dinner concert1








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