Friday / vendredi / Freitag / Thứ sáu
Live Music:

Fussball auf Grossleinwand. Die Kilo Bar öffnet um 18 Uhr, Spaghetti gibt's ca. ab 19 Uhr.
Facebook Livestreams:
Clips on YouTube (unlisted):
... and then the battery of my cell phone was empty.
Full concert
Amazing sounds of the bass guitar in the Kilo Bar
Yeah, great evening!!! Thanks guys! Musicians from all over the world were jamming: Iain (UK), Nikita (Russia), Germán (Chile), Mish (Russia), Walter (Italy), Eugene (Russia), Steve (New Zealand) and Kilo (Switzerland).
Short livestream on Facebook:
1 Iain, Nikita, Germán (Kilo)
2 Iain, Nikita, Germán
3 Iain, Nikita, Germán
4 Iain, Nikita, Germán
5 Mish, Iain, Nikita, Germán, Steve
6 Mish, Iain, Nikita, Germán, Steve
7 Mish, Eugene, Nikita, Steve, Walter
8 Mish, Eugene, Nikita, Walter
9 Steve, Nikita, Walter
10 Steve, Nikita, Walter, Kilo - I shot the sheriff
11 Steve, Nikita, Walter, Kilo
12 Steve, Nikita, Walter, Kilo - Come together
On January 26, 2024, our good friend Steve passed away. We would like to invite all his friends and music buddies to bid farewell at this celebration of his life.
We all know that Steve was a passionate musician and would surely be pleased if his fellow musicians serenaded him. Therefore, all musicians who have played with Steve are especially invited to participate in a jam session for Steve.
There will be free pizza slices for everyone, and drinks will be at the expense of each participant. Thank you for stopping by on Sunday and paying your last respects to Steve.
Surfing on the sound waves in the Kilo Bar
Finnish metal comedy:
Are you ready for some
Symphonic Postapocalyptic Reindeer Grinding Christ-Abusing Extreme War Pagan Fennoscandian Metal?
So here we go! One of the funniest movies I've ever seen!
(Original Finnish with English subtitles)
Movie starts at 8 pm
Mish on BASS!